Partnership Case Study: Elgin United Church

The story of the Elgin United Church in eastern Ontario and how it repurposed its heritage building rather than close it.
The renovation efforts preserved the church and revitalized its ministry.

A Guide to Prayer

Walking your community: How to listen to your community through praying the streets.

Fresh Expressions 

Fresh Expressions supports leaders in blending traditional services with innovative approaches.

Church Conflict Workshops 

Convergence provides Church Conflict Workshops, a valuable resource for any congregation moving through change. A series of workshops for church leaders on healthy communication, new approaches to conflict resolution.

Theory U – Otto Scharmer 

“Theory U” explores a transformative change process that encourages individuals and organizations to tap into their highest potential through co-creation and deep listening. Theory U offers a framework for navigating complex social and organizational challenges by moving through a U-shaped journey of co-sensing, co-presencing, and co-creating. 

If It Could Happen Here – Jeff Patton 

Jeff Patton, director of Christian Counseling Clinic Inc and a strong believer in the power of small membership churches describes the six “levers” of transforming small churches into “explosive centers of witness and mission.”