Toolkit for Small and Medium Businesses
Toolkit provided by CPA Canada, offers small and medium business owners a clear and structured step-by-step guide to develop and execute a comprehensive business strategy. Easy tools and practical tips. VIEW >
Fresh Expressions
Fresh Expressions supports leaders in blending traditional services with innovative approaches. VIEW >
Church Conflict Workshops
Convergence provides Church Conflict Workshops, a valuable resource for any congregation moving through change. A series of workshops for church leaders on healthy communication, new approaches to conflict resolution. VIEW >
5 Ways to Scale Your Personal Capacity – Carey Nieuwhof
Learn how to overcome capacity roadblocks and reach the highest levels of organizational success. VIEW >
How to Create a Winning Church Social Media Strategy Today
How to leverage social media to foster engagement and accessibility in ministry. VIEW >
Top 7 Social Media Strategies for Churches in 2024
The seven effective social media strategies that promote working smarter, not harder. This blog post from Churchfluence provides a free customizable social media strategy template. VIEW >
Faith Storytelling Toolkit
Learn how to plan, shape, and share your Church’s good news with this digital resource. VIEW >